Been busy working as media relation of ruangrupa's biggest music event, RRREC Fest #2 while this exhibition happened. The RRREC Fest #2 itself held on early December. It was EPIC! 25 bands all over South Asian, 4 venues, bazaar and movie screening. Nuff said! Too bad I was too busy on the D-day that I couldn't even take some pictures. Pfft! But no worries, I have some stories about one of RRREC Fest #2 guest star that I will share to you. You won't believe it. Me myself still can't believe it though :p
Okay, back to the exhibition. This exhibition curated by Saleh Husein (Ale) from White Shoes and The Couples Company. It was held at ruangrupa gallery started from 27 November - 9 December 2011. There were 29 artists from multi-disciplines. They are Adi Cumi, Anggun Priambodo, Aprilia Apsari, Budi Santoso (YOGYA), Bowo ombow, David Tarigan, Djarot Soerjadi, Erwan “Iwank” Herisusanto (YOGYA), Hauritsa, Henry Foundation, Hestu Ardiyanto, Ika Putranto, Jimi Multhazam, Kemal Reza Gibran, Marishka Soekarna, Mateus Bondan, Muhammad Taufiq, Mushowir Bing, Monica Hapsari, Narpati Awangga (Oomleo), Rakhmad Dwi Septian, Ricky Malau, Reinaart Vanhoe (AMSTERDAM), Reza Azer, Reza Asung Afisina, Rio Farabi, Saleh Husein, Sanchia Hamidjaja, Tiar Sukma Perdana, Ykha Amelz
So, here are some photos I took from the exhibition:
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Welcome home Mom an Dad!
This post has been in my draft box since like 2 weeks ago. How come I didn't realize that I haven't even click the "publish post" button? KYAAAA! Basi luar biasah! Haha! Pardon this clumsy girl.. So here the expired story goes..
I can't even explained how excited I was when I got a text from my dearly Dad said that he'll be home on Friday. Hoaaaa! I just can't barely waitt! Aslik. Heran, dulu sering banget denger cerita temen yang girang serta bebas merdeka waktu ditinggal orang tua mereka naik haji. Yah, gak salah juga sih. The thing is, IT WASN'T HAPPENED TO ME! Entah gw yang berlebihan atau terlalu parno, tapi serius deh, how could you be that heartless to celebrate your freedom with party and stuffs while your parents are struggle and praying for you there? I don't know bout you, but I just can't! Setiap mau melakukan hal-hal yang gw tau mereka gak akan suka (yang bahkan disaat mereka di Jakarta sering gw lalukan), gw selalu kepikiran mereka lalu enggan melakukannya. In every single thing. Setiap gw mau melakukan sesuatu lantas terbesit di otak gw "kalau gw melakukan ini akan ada imbas nya untuk mereka di sana kah?". Mungkin karena gw terlalu sering mendengar cerita tentang Haji yang cenderung serem-serem kali yah? Sebelum mereka berangkat, ex asisten rumah tangga gw pernah cerita kalau temennya pernah bikin "party" besar-besaran waktu kedua orang tuanya naik Haji (Well, I don't know what kind of party it was. But I can't think of anything other than Dangdutan party. Slap me please!), dan akhirnya kedua orang tuanya kembali ke tanah air dalam keadaan kaki ter-amputasi. Naudzubillahimindzalik amit amit cabang baby. Serem kan, bok? Cerita-cerita kayak gini lah yang membebani gw dan serta merta bikin gw parno berlebihan. I love my parents to the bones and I don't wanna bad things happen to them while they're having their quality time with the Almighty Allah. More over if I'm the one who responsible for it. So for those who celebrate it as a freedom, I tell you, freedom my azz! Gw bahkan lebih terkekang dari pada saat mereka ada di Jakarta. Terkekang sama bathin gw sendiri. Terkekang sama boundaries yang gw ciptakan sendiri. Selama ini gw mungkin sering menganggap lalu omongan Nyokap "jangan takut sama Mama, takut sama Allah". Baru di saat beliau berjarak ribuan mil, gw bener-bener merasakan ini. I know my Mom and Dad would never see what I did here, but Allah did!
Akhirnya tibalah hari di mana orang tua gw dijadwaklan untuk pulang. Dari pagi bangun tidur udah super excited. Di SMS bokap bilang kalau mereka akan tiba jam 21.30 dengan pesawat Emirates di terminal 2D. Gw sengaja gak ke ruangrupa hari itu.. padahal kalau dipikir datengnya juga malem deh. Hahah. But as I told you, I was just too excited! Sang pacar baik hati pun udah siap di rumah dari jam 4 sore. Nenek juga udah sibuk masak-masak buat nyambut kedatangan mereka. Sayangnya, adik gw lagi sibuk magang dan gak bisa ikut jemput bokap nyokap. Sehabis Maghrib dan makan malam, gw, pacar dan nenek pun berangkat ke bandara secara itu hari Jumat dan jalanan pasti.. ah ya sudahlah gak usah diomongin. Dan benar sajaahh.. kita sampai di bandara paaaas banget jam 21.30. Gak salah si pacar bawel mau berangkat lebih awal. Sampai di sana gw langsung lari ke information board nge-cek apakah pesawat yang ditumpangi bokap nyokap sudah mendarat atau belum. Ternyata pesawat Emirates dari Dubai belum ada tanda-tanda mendarat dan yang bikin gw heran, gak ada info kalo itu delay juga. Huahhh, hati kembali cemas dan gelisah. Komat-kamit baca doa semoga pesawat nya baik-baik saja. Gw dan pacar gonta-ganti celingak celinguk liat apakah udah ada tanda-tanda kedatangan mereka. Dan akhirnya tepat di jam 10 malam, Mom and Dad landed safe and sound at Jakarta International Airport, Soekarno Hatta. Begitu melihat penampakan mereka keluar dari terminal kedatangan muka gw langsung sumringah diiringi ucapan syukur dalam hati.. Alhamdulillaah :D
Seperti orang pulang Haji pada umumnya, sepanjang perjalanan pulang bokap dan nyokap sibuk berbagi kisah-kisah mereka selama di sana. Kami (gw, pacar dan nenek) pun mendengarkan dengan excited. Dari semua kisah yang mereka ceritakan, yang bikin gw mau nangis adalah kisah tentang kecelakaan mereka.. Jadi di perjalanan mereka dari Mina - Mekkah (if I'm not mistaken), supir bis yang mereka tumpangi ngantuk dan bis pun menabrak beton pembatas jalan. Sisi kanan bis hancur. Bukan cuma itu, penumpang yang duduk di sisi kiri depan menjadi korban luka parah. Kaki nya hancur dan harus di operasi. Tangki bensin bis bocor dan kemungkinan bis meledak sangat besar. Alhamdulillah penumpang yang lain sempat di evakuasi. Hal yang bikin gw merinding adalah, nyokap dan bokap duduk di sisi kanan depan which is sangat dekat dengan korban. Bahkan darah korban masih menempel di tas nyokap. Lord, It could be happened to my parents. It was a near-to-death experience for them. But thank God, they're save and sound.. And I couldn't stop thanking God by saying Alahmdulillah silently :')
Dear The Almighty Allah, terima kasih karena Engkau telah mengabulkan doa-doa ku di setiap sholat ku untuk melindungi dan menjaga orang tua hamba selama di sana :')
I can't even explained how excited I was when I got a text from my dearly Dad said that he'll be home on Friday. Hoaaaa! I just can't barely waitt! Aslik. Heran, dulu sering banget denger cerita temen yang girang serta bebas merdeka waktu ditinggal orang tua mereka naik haji. Yah, gak salah juga sih. The thing is, IT WASN'T HAPPENED TO ME! Entah gw yang berlebihan atau terlalu parno, tapi serius deh, how could you be that heartless to celebrate your freedom with party and stuffs while your parents are struggle and praying for you there? I don't know bout you, but I just can't! Setiap mau melakukan hal-hal yang gw tau mereka gak akan suka (yang bahkan disaat mereka di Jakarta sering gw lalukan), gw selalu kepikiran mereka lalu enggan melakukannya. In every single thing. Setiap gw mau melakukan sesuatu lantas terbesit di otak gw "kalau gw melakukan ini akan ada imbas nya untuk mereka di sana kah?". Mungkin karena gw terlalu sering mendengar cerita tentang Haji yang cenderung serem-serem kali yah? Sebelum mereka berangkat, ex asisten rumah tangga gw pernah cerita kalau temennya pernah bikin "party" besar-besaran waktu kedua orang tuanya naik Haji (Well, I don't know what kind of party it was. But I can't think of anything other than Dangdutan party. Slap me please!), dan akhirnya kedua orang tuanya kembali ke tanah air dalam keadaan kaki ter-amputasi. Naudzubillahimindzalik amit amit cabang baby. Serem kan, bok? Cerita-cerita kayak gini lah yang membebani gw dan serta merta bikin gw parno berlebihan. I love my parents to the bones and I don't wanna bad things happen to them while they're having their quality time with the Almighty Allah. More over if I'm the one who responsible for it. So for those who celebrate it as a freedom, I tell you, freedom my azz! Gw bahkan lebih terkekang dari pada saat mereka ada di Jakarta. Terkekang sama bathin gw sendiri. Terkekang sama boundaries yang gw ciptakan sendiri. Selama ini gw mungkin sering menganggap lalu omongan Nyokap "jangan takut sama Mama, takut sama Allah". Baru di saat beliau berjarak ribuan mil, gw bener-bener merasakan ini. I know my Mom and Dad would never see what I did here, but Allah did!
Akhirnya tibalah hari di mana orang tua gw dijadwaklan untuk pulang. Dari pagi bangun tidur udah super excited. Di SMS bokap bilang kalau mereka akan tiba jam 21.30 dengan pesawat Emirates di terminal 2D. Gw sengaja gak ke ruangrupa hari itu.. padahal kalau dipikir datengnya juga malem deh. Hahah. But as I told you, I was just too excited! Sang pacar baik hati pun udah siap di rumah dari jam 4 sore. Nenek juga udah sibuk masak-masak buat nyambut kedatangan mereka. Sayangnya, adik gw lagi sibuk magang dan gak bisa ikut jemput bokap nyokap. Sehabis Maghrib dan makan malam, gw, pacar dan nenek pun berangkat ke bandara secara itu hari Jumat dan jalanan pasti.. ah ya sudahlah gak usah diomongin. Dan benar sajaahh.. kita sampai di bandara paaaas banget jam 21.30. Gak salah si pacar bawel mau berangkat lebih awal. Sampai di sana gw langsung lari ke information board nge-cek apakah pesawat yang ditumpangi bokap nyokap sudah mendarat atau belum. Ternyata pesawat Emirates dari Dubai belum ada tanda-tanda mendarat dan yang bikin gw heran, gak ada info kalo itu delay juga. Huahhh, hati kembali cemas dan gelisah. Komat-kamit baca doa semoga pesawat nya baik-baik saja. Gw dan pacar gonta-ganti celingak celinguk liat apakah udah ada tanda-tanda kedatangan mereka. Dan akhirnya tepat di jam 10 malam, Mom and Dad landed safe and sound at Jakarta International Airport, Soekarno Hatta. Begitu melihat penampakan mereka keluar dari terminal kedatangan muka gw langsung sumringah diiringi ucapan syukur dalam hati.. Alhamdulillaah :D
Seperti orang pulang Haji pada umumnya, sepanjang perjalanan pulang bokap dan nyokap sibuk berbagi kisah-kisah mereka selama di sana. Kami (gw, pacar dan nenek) pun mendengarkan dengan excited. Dari semua kisah yang mereka ceritakan, yang bikin gw mau nangis adalah kisah tentang kecelakaan mereka.. Jadi di perjalanan mereka dari Mina - Mekkah (if I'm not mistaken), supir bis yang mereka tumpangi ngantuk dan bis pun menabrak beton pembatas jalan. Sisi kanan bis hancur. Bukan cuma itu, penumpang yang duduk di sisi kiri depan menjadi korban luka parah. Kaki nya hancur dan harus di operasi. Tangki bensin bis bocor dan kemungkinan bis meledak sangat besar. Alhamdulillah penumpang yang lain sempat di evakuasi. Hal yang bikin gw merinding adalah, nyokap dan bokap duduk di sisi kanan depan which is sangat dekat dengan korban. Bahkan darah korban masih menempel di tas nyokap. Lord, It could be happened to my parents. It was a near-to-death experience for them. But thank God, they're save and sound.. And I couldn't stop thanking God by saying Alahmdulillah silently :')
Before the crash |
After the crash |
Dear The Almighty Allah, terima kasih karena Engkau telah mengabulkan doa-doa ku di setiap sholat ku untuk melindungi dan menjaga orang tua hamba selama di sana :')
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Us vs Sea Games 2011: Part II
Promised to give you another story of Us vs Sea Games 2011 but it seems soo hard to find the mood to write. Pardon my swinging mood. But since the euphoria of Sea Games 2011 will end any soon, finally I write this following stories..
#1 Badminton Semifinal:
After the-super-failed-day on our first try to watch Sea Games live at GBK, we (me and boyfie) didn't give up and planned to watch Badminton semifinal at Istora Senayan. The first game started at 2.30pm. Plans: Aidil picks me up at my casa around 2pm and will arrived at GBK by 2.30pm or worst case 3pm. Fact: My slowlyloly Aidil arrived at mine at 3.30pm and due to the effing crazy traffic we arrived at 5.30pm. Classic. It was FRIDAY anyway. No need any explanation for this ya kaaan? Krr. As we get there, we went to the ticket box right away. The guys we met on our way to the tix box told us that Taufik Hidayat was the closing game of the semifinal that day. We asked them,
"So who's the one who currently play?".
"Taufik Hidayat", they replied.
Ngeh? "So do you mean that it's the last game today?"
"Yup. You better go back here tomorrow. Tomorrow is the final"
KYAAAA. Gagal maning gagal maning, son! Well, this time is our own fault anyway.
I asked Aidil, "Have you give up?". He said, "NO WAY! I have to watch the final tomorrow!" Haha. The boy was unyielding! :))
#2 Badminton Final:
As Aidil promised the day before, He planned to watch the final game at Istora and come earlier so that he could get the tix. Since I need to attend my regular discussion with my peer group called Dimensi Talk (will post about it later) that day, I couldn't be there with him. Plans that day: He buy me ticket at Istora, I'll be attending Dimensi Talk first and go to Istora afterwards, then we both go to TMII to attend my bestfriend's wedding. All arranged in such a way.. Suddenly, in the middle of my discussion, Aidil text me said that it didn't necessary for me to go there cause he couldn't get the ticket. ALL SOLD OUT. Geez. AGAIN? We failed again?? Seriously, what's wrong with youu Sea Games 2011? Why it seemed like we never destined to watch you live at GBK? Why? Why? Why? Aidil was sooooo upset. He wanted to watch it badly. Huhu. There was only one chance left, the football final: Indonesia vs Malaysia. I asked boyfie whether he still wanted to watch it at GBK or not? And surprisingly he said "I don't know. I feel like giving up". Hahah. The boy finally gave up!
We end up watched the game separately. Me with some mates at ruangrupa while Aidil watched it at his own room all alone. Turned out it was a lot more fun! Seriously! We watched it peacefully without the overcrowding thingy and worried about or own safety. Anyway, the game went really tight. Both team played great! But unfortunately, the football champion was given to Malaysia. I'm still thinking that it was just the luck considered that we lost by the penalty. And Garuda Muda still got my pride. They all another version of heroes, don't you think?
Anyway, I heard the sad news about Indonesia's supporters who passed away. They get trampled by thousands people at GBK. One of them is Reno Alvino the additional drummer of D.O.T band. My deep condolences goes out to the family. From this case, I realized that maybe we weren't destined to watch it live at GBK for our own sake. It could've be me or my boyfriend who get trampled by thousands of peoples there. I'm thanking you dear Almighty. Your plan is such a mystery.
#1 Badminton Semifinal:
After the-super-failed-day on our first try to watch Sea Games live at GBK, we (me and boyfie) didn't give up and planned to watch Badminton semifinal at Istora Senayan. The first game started at 2.30pm. Plans: Aidil picks me up at my casa around 2pm and will arrived at GBK by 2.30pm or worst case 3pm. Fact: My slowlyloly Aidil arrived at mine at 3.30pm and due to the effing crazy traffic we arrived at 5.30pm. Classic. It was FRIDAY anyway. No need any explanation for this ya kaaan? Krr. As we get there, we went to the ticket box right away. The guys we met on our way to the tix box told us that Taufik Hidayat was the closing game of the semifinal that day. We asked them,
"So who's the one who currently play?".
"Taufik Hidayat", they replied.
Ngeh? "So do you mean that it's the last game today?"
"Yup. You better go back here tomorrow. Tomorrow is the final"
KYAAAA. Gagal maning gagal maning, son! Well, this time is our own fault anyway.
I asked Aidil, "Have you give up?". He said, "NO WAY! I have to watch the final tomorrow!" Haha. The boy was unyielding! :))
#2 Badminton Final:
As Aidil promised the day before, He planned to watch the final game at Istora and come earlier so that he could get the tix. Since I need to attend my regular discussion with my peer group called Dimensi Talk (will post about it later) that day, I couldn't be there with him. Plans that day: He buy me ticket at Istora, I'll be attending Dimensi Talk first and go to Istora afterwards, then we both go to TMII to attend my bestfriend's wedding. All arranged in such a way.. Suddenly, in the middle of my discussion, Aidil text me said that it didn't necessary for me to go there cause he couldn't get the ticket. ALL SOLD OUT. Geez. AGAIN? We failed again?? Seriously, what's wrong with youu Sea Games 2011? Why it seemed like we never destined to watch you live at GBK? Why? Why? Why? Aidil was sooooo upset. He wanted to watch it badly. Huhu. There was only one chance left, the football final: Indonesia vs Malaysia. I asked boyfie whether he still wanted to watch it at GBK or not? And surprisingly he said "I don't know. I feel like giving up". Hahah. The boy finally gave up!
We end up watched the game separately. Me with some mates at ruangrupa while Aidil watched it at his own room all alone. Turned out it was a lot more fun! Seriously! We watched it peacefully without the overcrowding thingy and worried about or own safety. Anyway, the game went really tight. Both team played great! But unfortunately, the football champion was given to Malaysia. I'm still thinking that it was just the luck considered that we lost by the penalty. And Garuda Muda still got my pride. They all another version of heroes, don't you think?
Anyway, I heard the sad news about Indonesia's supporters who passed away. They get trampled by thousands people at GBK. One of them is Reno Alvino the additional drummer of D.O.T band. My deep condolences goes out to the family. From this case, I realized that maybe we weren't destined to watch it live at GBK for our own sake. It could've be me or my boyfriend who get trampled by thousands of peoples there. I'm thanking you dear Almighty. Your plan is such a mystery.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Us vs Sea Games 2011: Part #1
If Sea Games 2011 and Us (me and boyfie) are analogous as a relationship, then we would never meant to be! I have no idea, what's with Sea Games and Us? What did we do wrong? Why the hell did you seem like hate us a looooot?
So, these past few days, Me and boyfie were really excited with this whole Sea Games thingies. I mean, it's a huge annual sports event involving 11 countries from ASEAN that held once in two years, did we have enough reasons to be THAT excited with this? Oh, and don't you think that this kinda event could lifted up people's nationality, instantly? I mean 150ish gold medals? 1st position beyond another 10 countries by far? What could you ask more to be a proud Indonesian? Me and boyfie were really proud to be the witness to the history. Oh well, don't you all feel the same way? And after these whole time been fairly satisfied to just watch it on TV, we planned to watch it live at GBK Senayan. You never know when will Indonesia get a turn to be an official host of Sea Games again, ayte? So, this is the time, this is our chance. Well, I used to watched it live when I was kid with my family but my poor boyfie never *puk puk*. Frankly, me and boyfie were just excited to watch badminton and football. Who's not anyway? :p
It was Thursday, 17th November when our national football team competed against our all-time-rival Malaysia. Boyfie got a ticket to watch it on GBK but unfortunately He just got one.. Then He planned to buy another tix for Me as we got there. We met at our campus after I've done my work at ruangrupa then went to GBK right away. It was a bit late actually and I was doubtful that I'd get the ticket. I knew how packed GBK was from the TV news I watched before. But boyfie said that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Turned out it was THAT bad. GBK was really packed with people wearing red and white tees who were ready to give their huge supports to Indonesia as much as we did. I told him to get in since he got the ticket already and I knew how bad he wants to watch it. But he strongly refused to. He said that he wants to get in as long as I'm with him. Oh, how sweet my man :')
After a long search, finally boyfie got a ticket for me but too bad we didn't allowed to get in cause the gatekeeper said that the stadium was shaking due to the overload people. We were like WHATT? This giant stadium could shake? Then why did you sell those tickets if you can't accommodate as many as it sold? Oh, so Indonesian! I knew boyfie was deeply upset but he didn't show it to me yet made a fun video with his iPod instead. We acted as if we were live reporting from the venue. Hahahah. Stupid! I'll post the video soon.. Oh, and we ended up watch the match at FX's atrium.
There was a giant screen with loads of people sat in the floor wore read and white tees as if they watched it inside the stadium. I bet these people had similar experience with us. Haha. Unfortunately, the game ended with frustrating score. Malaysia beat Indonesia with 1 goal! Booooo! At that time we were thankful that we didn't watch it inside the stadium since we knew how chaos and riot it would be.
Anyway, there was an exhibition of Sea Games Lego. They were sooooo cute like uberrrr cute! Lalalalove it! At least the disappointment of the losing a bit healed by this :)
It was getting late then we decided to leave and found something to eat. Me and boyfie were walking hand by hand made stupid jokes and laugh hard, act like we've forgotten the disappointment. All went well until we got into the parking area and found that boyfie's helmet weren't there. Someone stole it and the security parking acted like it's none of his problem. Crap! How come it's none of your problem? You were the one who responsible for all this. That's why it's called "Secure Park" isn't it? Boyfie was soo upset on the way home. Poor honeybee :(
Though we failed at our first try, we didn't gave up. We did the second try to watch Badminton semifinal live at Istora Senayan. I'll post the next story! Xx
So, these past few days, Me and boyfie were really excited with this whole Sea Games thingies. I mean, it's a huge annual sports event involving 11 countries from ASEAN that held once in two years, did we have enough reasons to be THAT excited with this? Oh, and don't you think that this kinda event could lifted up people's nationality, instantly? I mean 150ish gold medals? 1st position beyond another 10 countries by far? What could you ask more to be a proud Indonesian? Me and boyfie were really proud to be the witness to the history. Oh well, don't you all feel the same way? And after these whole time been fairly satisfied to just watch it on TV, we planned to watch it live at GBK Senayan. You never know when will Indonesia get a turn to be an official host of Sea Games again, ayte? So, this is the time, this is our chance. Well, I used to watched it live when I was kid with my family but my poor boyfie never *puk puk*. Frankly, me and boyfie were just excited to watch badminton and football. Who's not anyway? :p
It was Thursday, 17th November when our national football team competed against our all-time-rival Malaysia. Boyfie got a ticket to watch it on GBK but unfortunately He just got one.. Then He planned to buy another tix for Me as we got there. We met at our campus after I've done my work at ruangrupa then went to GBK right away. It was a bit late actually and I was doubtful that I'd get the ticket. I knew how packed GBK was from the TV news I watched before. But boyfie said that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Turned out it was THAT bad. GBK was really packed with people wearing red and white tees who were ready to give their huge supports to Indonesia as much as we did. I told him to get in since he got the ticket already and I knew how bad he wants to watch it. But he strongly refused to. He said that he wants to get in as long as I'm with him. Oh, how sweet my man :')
After a long search, finally boyfie got a ticket for me but too bad we didn't allowed to get in cause the gatekeeper said that the stadium was shaking due to the overload people. We were like WHATT? This giant stadium could shake? Then why did you sell those tickets if you can't accommodate as many as it sold? Oh, so Indonesian! I knew boyfie was deeply upset but he didn't show it to me yet made a fun video with his iPod instead. We acted as if we were live reporting from the venue. Hahahah. Stupid! I'll post the video soon.. Oh, and we ended up watch the match at FX's atrium.
The upset boyfie :( |
There was a giant screen with loads of people sat in the floor wore read and white tees as if they watched it inside the stadium. I bet these people had similar experience with us. Haha. Unfortunately, the game ended with frustrating score. Malaysia beat Indonesia with 1 goal! Booooo! At that time we were thankful that we didn't watch it inside the stadium since we knew how chaos and riot it would be.
Anyway, there was an exhibition of Sea Games Lego. They were sooooo cute like uberrrr cute! Lalalalove it! At least the disappointment of the losing a bit healed by this :)
It was getting late then we decided to leave and found something to eat. Me and boyfie were walking hand by hand made stupid jokes and laugh hard, act like we've forgotten the disappointment. All went well until we got into the parking area and found that boyfie's helmet weren't there. Someone stole it and the security parking acted like it's none of his problem. Crap! How come it's none of your problem? You were the one who responsible for all this. That's why it's called "Secure Park" isn't it? Boyfie was soo upset on the way home. Poor honeybee :(
Though we failed at our first try, we didn't gave up. We did the second try to watch Badminton semifinal live at Istora Senayan. I'll post the next story! Xx
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
You are the cheese on my Macaroni!
No matter how hard we fought at night, no matter how hard I cried at night, we always ended up laughed, made a sweet goodnight call then sleep peacefully. I love how we couldn't mad at each other for hours. I love the way we couldn't stand the silence between us for hours. I love the way it is. Please stay this way.. Thank you for all your patience, Aidil Akbar.
Goodnight. You are the cheese on my Macaroni ! Xx
Goodnight. You are the cheese on my Macaroni ! Xx
Sunday, November 13, 2011
OK VIDEO FLESH: Music video screening and Music Concert
Have you ever went to an interesting place or event, planned to post it on your blog then suddenly it ruined by a stupid thing like forgot to charge your camera? I JUST DID IT!
This is how the story goes.. Today ruangrupa was having a video screening and music concert which is still in conjunction of OK. VIDEO FLESH 2011. There were 25 inspiring music videos and great performers such as Whiteshoes and The Couples Company, Bangkutaman, The Upstairs, Hightime Rebellion and Sir Dandy. A friend of mine, Thema was asked me for a help. She asked me to be LO (Liaison Officer) for the bands who performed today. I was really excited when I heard about this event and took the offer without any hesitate. Well to be frank, I was always excited with any projects held by ruangrupa and yes.. I was really proud been a part of their biggest event last year..
It was 2 pm when I leaved home, grabbed my Nicky (Nikon), planned to take some piccies in the middle of my duty and post it here. Then, I went to Cikini by train. Been a while.. Kinda miss the situation inside the women-only carriages. Didn't changed a lot. I could still enjoyed it as much as I did. The annoying kiddos, college girls gossiping their mates, Hijabers reading Quran, sleeping ladies and everything. It just took about 30 mins to reach Cikini train station. As I arrived at GBB, I was told that I'll be an LO for Hightime Rebellion and Sir Dandy. Wohooo! I've heard their songs but never watch 'em live. Today I finally watched them and even more, being their LO! Anyway, Hightime Rebellion members are really nice. Especially the female vocalist, Miena. She's sooo humble yet soo talented and not to mention the pretty face. I fell in love with her voice and her singing stance. I bet you will as well! Sir Dandy was really nice either. Oh, and surprisingly Ade Paloh the vocalist of my all time favorite band "Sore" was one of the band player. What could I ask more? Hahah. The gig was start at 6-ish. The venue was packed even before the gate opened. My boyfriend was coming either. The stage was well decorated. The crowds were great. Everything went well until I turned my Nicky on to take Hightime Rebellion photos when they were on stage. And as I mentioned before, the battery runs out ladies and gentleman! Fark! Tried to take some pictures with my mobile phone but all I got was blurry and crappy photos. Totally not a blog-material. Arghhh! I effing hate when everything went out of my plans! Huhuh. It was supposed to be a post with lottts of cool pictures instead of this boring post.. I hate posting without photos. Don't you?
Lesson learned: NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT CHECKING YOU CAMERA'S BATTERY! Unless you'll be in a big regret like I currently feel.
Anyway, I had a great day. It was always nice working with ruangrupa. Another project awaits. Can't wait to share it with you.. Goodnight! Xx
This is how the story goes.. Today ruangrupa was having a video screening and music concert which is still in conjunction of OK. VIDEO FLESH 2011. There were 25 inspiring music videos and great performers such as Whiteshoes and The Couples Company, Bangkutaman, The Upstairs, Hightime Rebellion and Sir Dandy. A friend of mine, Thema was asked me for a help. She asked me to be LO (Liaison Officer) for the bands who performed today. I was really excited when I heard about this event and took the offer without any hesitate. Well to be frank, I was always excited with any projects held by ruangrupa and yes.. I was really proud been a part of their biggest event last year..
It was 2 pm when I leaved home, grabbed my Nicky (Nikon), planned to take some piccies in the middle of my duty and post it here. Then, I went to Cikini by train. Been a while.. Kinda miss the situation inside the women-only carriages. Didn't changed a lot. I could still enjoyed it as much as I did. The annoying kiddos, college girls gossiping their mates, Hijabers reading Quran, sleeping ladies and everything. It just took about 30 mins to reach Cikini train station. As I arrived at GBB, I was told that I'll be an LO for Hightime Rebellion and Sir Dandy. Wohooo! I've heard their songs but never watch 'em live. Today I finally watched them and even more, being their LO! Anyway, Hightime Rebellion members are really nice. Especially the female vocalist, Miena. She's sooo humble yet soo talented and not to mention the pretty face. I fell in love with her voice and her singing stance. I bet you will as well! Sir Dandy was really nice either. Oh, and surprisingly Ade Paloh the vocalist of my all time favorite band "Sore" was one of the band player. What could I ask more? Hahah. The gig was start at 6-ish. The venue was packed even before the gate opened. My boyfriend was coming either. The stage was well decorated. The crowds were great. Everything went well until I turned my Nicky on to take Hightime Rebellion photos when they were on stage. And as I mentioned before, the battery runs out ladies and gentleman! Fark! Tried to take some pictures with my mobile phone but all I got was blurry and crappy photos. Totally not a blog-material. Arghhh! I effing hate when everything went out of my plans! Huhuh. It was supposed to be a post with lottts of cool pictures instead of this boring post.. I hate posting without photos. Don't you?
Lesson learned: NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT CHECKING YOU CAMERA'S BATTERY! Unless you'll be in a big regret like I currently feel.
Anyway, I had a great day. It was always nice working with ruangrupa. Another project awaits. Can't wait to share it with you.. Goodnight! Xx
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Your social media is your self branding!
Siapa yang setuju sama pernyataan di atas? Gw personally, setuju banget!
Sebenarnya gw bukan Tiffatul Sembiring atau Roy Suryo yang "katanya" ahlinya soal beginian. Gw juga bukan orang yang ngerti banget sejak kapan social media memiliki peran yang begitu besar nya bagi pencitraan seseorang. But since my very first social media was Friendster, let's start from there.
Masih inget kan gimana kolom "testimonial" di Friendster benar-benar digunakan dalam fungsi sebenarnya? Masa-masa di mana elo berbalas "testi" dengan teman menggunakan mantra "isi testi gw dong, yang bagus-bagus yah! Ntar gw bales deh!". Well, I did. And I know most of you did. Ya kaaan? *nyari temen se-per ababilan*. Hahah! Testimonial dari teman-teman yang biasanya dimulai dengan "si anu itu orangnya..." dan mostly sudah melalui proses brief dan sortir terlebih dahulu itu pun bagian dari self branding. Dan tentu saja, profile picture menentukan segalanya! Semakin cantik atau ganteng fotonya, semakin banyak orang yang nge-add dan semakin banyak juga seri account nya. "Si Anu 1, 2, 3, 4, ....257". Kalau sudah lebih dari 10, itulah barometer "gaul" nya Friendster. Gw sih cuma sampe 4. Ahem. Hahah!
Bosan dengan Friendster orang-orang pun pelan-pelan mulai berpindah hati ke Facebook. Kalau dulu Friendster fenomenal dengan berbalas "Testi" nya, Facebook pun sempat fenomenal dengan berbalas "badge" nya. Dari mulai Lomo, Sushi, Fashion items, etc. Kalau FS punya "testimonial" FB punya "wall". Gak jauh berbeda sih yah sebenarnya. Mungkin sebagian orang mulai gerah dengan FS yang mulai terjangkit virus alay mengingat pada saat awal kemunculannya, FB masih berkesan eksklusif. Di sini, photo album lah yang memegang peranan penting bagi self branding. Semakin banyak album dengan title "Partayyy", "Blowfish" or "Sundazzee" maka semakin eksis lah seseorang itu dalam pergaulan (no offense asli! :p). Semakin banyak album dengan tittle "Me, Myself, and I" or "Self potrait" maka semakin narsis lah seseorang itu. Semakin banyak album dengan title "NEW ARRIVAL PO NOVEMBER" or "LATEST COLLECTION NIH SIST" maka waspadalah dengan random tag foto barang baru mereka. Dari baju, sepatu, tas, laptop sampai obat pelangsing. Pfft! This one is really annoying! Facebook was really fun until I saw Mangga Dua on my news feed, Sist! Oh, and when Facebook users are no longer using their real name and replaced it with theseee...Wait. Atau emang ini nama asli merekaaah? *kemplang orang tuanya satu-satu :))
Then we have Twitter. Twitter is SUPPOSED to be micro blog of 140 characters that turns out being an instant messenger for some or most of it's users. Gw sendiri join twitter sejak menggunakan BlackBerry which is approx 3 years ago. Seperti kebanyakan pemula, gw pun bingung mau post apa. Gak ada photo album nya nih? Apa asiknya sih baca-baca in status orang doang? Pikir gw saat itu. Namun setelah nemu asik nya, update twitter pun menjadi rutinitas wajib yang menyenangkan dengan frekuensi 5 menit sekali. Bahkan perpindahan tangan dari kiri ke kanan pun kalau bisa di update di twitter. Hahah. Sampai beberapa teman pun mulai protes karena timeline isi nya gueh semuaa :)) Nah, kalau social-social media sebelumnya menggunakan foto sebagai alat self branding utama, di twitter tulisan lo lah yang akan menjadi penentu pencitraan diri. Banyak orang yang menyebut nya dengan ungkapan "tweet mu harimau mu".
Kalau dipikir, how come your personality could be defined only by 140 characters? Tapi coba, berapa sering kalian menilai seseorang dari apa yang mereka tweet. Sering kan mendengar pernyataan macam "cantik sih, tapi tweet nya alay ah" or "lucu sih.. tapi masa cowo tweet galau terus sih?" dan sebagainya. Semakin banyak seseorang mention-mentionan sama orang "penting" maka dia pun juga akan dianggap penting. Semakin banyak followers, maka semakin "penting" juga dia. Orang dengan timeline yang penuh dengan RT-an tidak penting dianggap annoying, orang yang timeline nya penuh dengan keluhan dan sumpah serapah dianggap nyebelin dan pemarah, orang yang timeline nya penuh dengan kegalauan dianggap lemah, orang yang timeline nya penuh dengan check-in 4square di tempat gaul yang ia datangi dianggap norak. Serba salah yah? Twitter pun bisa membuat orang yang tidak kita kenal secara personal mendadak berasa kenal akrab karena follow twitternya. Hal ini berlaku pada public figure atau SelebTweet yang kita follow. Waktu mereka galau, kita tau. Waktu mereka lagi makan siang, kita tau. Waktu mereka mau tidur pun, pamitan dulu sama kita. Akrab kan? :))
Pasti kalian juga pernah dengar beberapa artis yang masuk Infotainment hanya karena tweet yang dia post? Sebut saja Luna Maya yang sempat bermasalah dengan wartawan karena tweet doi yang gak enak or yang masih hangat Anji-dan-calon-istrinya-yang-gak-jadi-kawin-itu *doh, ketauan deh update infotainment nya :p* See? How 140 characters could affect what people think of you. Hebatnya, "self branding" dari Twitter ini pun dimanfaatkan oleh beberapa produk/brand sebagai alat branding mereka. Muncul lah fenomena tweet berbayar yang nyatanya malah di rasa lebih efektif sekarang. Gw pun pernah kena korban iklan lewat tweet berbayar loh! :p
Gw personally pun sering kali tanpa sengaja melakukan pencitraan diri di twitter. That's why sebelum bener-bener posting, gw baca dulu berkali-kali memastikan gak ada yg typo dan mengandung SARA yang sensitif. Gak mau dianggap annoying or nyebelin :p But for me, twitter is no longer fun since perkara follow/unfollow jadi begitu sensitif. Oh, dan setelah wabah "folbek eaaaa kakak" mulai menyebar. Hahah.
Sekali lagi gw bukan bermaksud menyinggung, menggurui or sok tau. It's purely my random thoughts. Anyway, folbek eaaaaa kakaaakkk! :))
Sebenarnya gw bukan Tiffatul Sembiring atau Roy Suryo yang "katanya" ahlinya soal beginian. Gw juga bukan orang yang ngerti banget sejak kapan social media memiliki peran yang begitu besar nya bagi pencitraan seseorang. But since my very first social media was Friendster, let's start from there.
Masih inget kan gimana kolom "testimonial" di Friendster benar-benar digunakan dalam fungsi sebenarnya? Masa-masa di mana elo berbalas "testi" dengan teman menggunakan mantra "isi testi gw dong, yang bagus-bagus yah! Ntar gw bales deh!". Well, I did. And I know most of you did. Ya kaaan? *nyari temen se-per ababilan*. Hahah! Testimonial dari teman-teman yang biasanya dimulai dengan "si anu itu orangnya..." dan mostly sudah melalui proses brief dan sortir terlebih dahulu itu pun bagian dari self branding. Dan tentu saja, profile picture menentukan segalanya! Semakin cantik atau ganteng fotonya, semakin banyak orang yang nge-add dan semakin banyak juga seri account nya. "Si Anu 1, 2, 3, 4, ....257". Kalau sudah lebih dari 10, itulah barometer "gaul" nya Friendster. Gw sih cuma sampe 4. Ahem. Hahah!
Bosan dengan Friendster orang-orang pun pelan-pelan mulai berpindah hati ke Facebook. Kalau dulu Friendster fenomenal dengan berbalas "Testi" nya, Facebook pun sempat fenomenal dengan berbalas "badge" nya. Dari mulai Lomo, Sushi, Fashion items, etc. Kalau FS punya "testimonial" FB punya "wall". Gak jauh berbeda sih yah sebenarnya. Mungkin sebagian orang mulai gerah dengan FS yang mulai terjangkit virus alay mengingat pada saat awal kemunculannya, FB masih berkesan eksklusif. Di sini, photo album lah yang memegang peranan penting bagi self branding. Semakin banyak album dengan title "Partayyy", "Blowfish" or "Sundazzee" maka semakin eksis lah seseorang itu dalam pergaulan (no offense asli! :p). Semakin banyak album dengan tittle "Me, Myself, and I" or "Self potrait" maka semakin narsis lah seseorang itu. Semakin banyak album dengan title "NEW ARRIVAL PO NOVEMBER" or "LATEST COLLECTION NIH SIST" maka waspadalah dengan random tag foto barang baru mereka. Dari baju, sepatu, tas, laptop sampai obat pelangsing. Pfft! This one is really annoying! Facebook was really fun until I saw Mangga Dua on my news feed, Sist! Oh, and when Facebook users are no longer using their real name and replaced it with theseee...Wait. Atau emang ini nama asli merekaaah? *kemplang orang tuanya satu-satu :))
Then we have Twitter. Twitter is SUPPOSED to be micro blog of 140 characters that turns out being an instant messenger for some or most of it's users. Gw sendiri join twitter sejak menggunakan BlackBerry which is approx 3 years ago. Seperti kebanyakan pemula, gw pun bingung mau post apa. Gak ada photo album nya nih? Apa asiknya sih baca-baca in status orang doang? Pikir gw saat itu. Namun setelah nemu asik nya, update twitter pun menjadi rutinitas wajib yang menyenangkan dengan frekuensi 5 menit sekali. Bahkan perpindahan tangan dari kiri ke kanan pun kalau bisa di update di twitter. Hahah. Sampai beberapa teman pun mulai protes karena timeline isi nya gueh semuaa :)) Nah, kalau social-social media sebelumnya menggunakan foto sebagai alat self branding utama, di twitter tulisan lo lah yang akan menjadi penentu pencitraan diri. Banyak orang yang menyebut nya dengan ungkapan "tweet mu harimau mu".
Kalau dipikir, how come your personality could be defined only by 140 characters? Tapi coba, berapa sering kalian menilai seseorang dari apa yang mereka tweet. Sering kan mendengar pernyataan macam "cantik sih, tapi tweet nya alay ah" or "lucu sih.. tapi masa cowo tweet galau terus sih?" dan sebagainya. Semakin banyak seseorang mention-mentionan sama orang "penting" maka dia pun juga akan dianggap penting. Semakin banyak followers, maka semakin "penting" juga dia. Orang dengan timeline yang penuh dengan RT-an tidak penting dianggap annoying, orang yang timeline nya penuh dengan keluhan dan sumpah serapah dianggap nyebelin dan pemarah, orang yang timeline nya penuh dengan kegalauan dianggap lemah, orang yang timeline nya penuh dengan check-in 4square di tempat gaul yang ia datangi dianggap norak. Serba salah yah? Twitter pun bisa membuat orang yang tidak kita kenal secara personal mendadak berasa kenal akrab karena follow twitternya. Hal ini berlaku pada public figure atau SelebTweet yang kita follow. Waktu mereka galau, kita tau. Waktu mereka lagi makan siang, kita tau. Waktu mereka mau tidur pun, pamitan dulu sama kita. Akrab kan? :))
Pasti kalian juga pernah dengar beberapa artis yang masuk Infotainment hanya karena tweet yang dia post? Sebut saja Luna Maya yang sempat bermasalah dengan wartawan karena tweet doi yang gak enak or yang masih hangat Anji-dan-calon-istrinya-yang-gak-jadi-kawin-itu *doh, ketauan deh update infotainment nya :p* See? How 140 characters could affect what people think of you. Hebatnya, "self branding" dari Twitter ini pun dimanfaatkan oleh beberapa produk/brand sebagai alat branding mereka. Muncul lah fenomena tweet berbayar yang nyatanya malah di rasa lebih efektif sekarang. Gw pun pernah kena korban iklan lewat tweet berbayar loh! :p
Gw personally pun sering kali tanpa sengaja melakukan pencitraan diri di twitter. That's why sebelum bener-bener posting, gw baca dulu berkali-kali memastikan gak ada yg typo dan mengandung SARA yang sensitif. Gak mau dianggap annoying or nyebelin :p But for me, twitter is no longer fun since perkara follow/unfollow jadi begitu sensitif. Oh, dan setelah wabah "folbek eaaaa kakak" mulai menyebar. Hahah.
Courtesy of Valiant Budi |
Sekali lagi gw bukan bermaksud menyinggung, menggurui or sok tau. It's purely my random thoughts. Anyway, folbek eaaaaa kakaaakkk! :))
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A day full of happiness #2: Juice In Case
Planned to post it right after I posted my #1 edition of "A day full of happiness" but I've been busy accompanied my family from Makassar during their stay here. So it's kinda late actually but better late that never, aight?
So here we go.. As we back from the Zoo, we planned to visit a new tiny coffee shop not far from my casa named "Ladang Coffee". Turns out it had not open yet. Krrr! So why the hell did you put your giant bored already, huh? Oh, and they told us to visit their branch shop at BSD. Ngehh? The main reason we came here was because it's nearby my house NOT because we're dying to taste your Coffee, Sir! Pffth.. Haha! Well since BSD is freakin far away and we didn't really curious to taste the so-called "Ladang Coffee", boyfie planned to look for another coffee shop that we haven't been visited. In the midst of our despair, we suddenly reminded by a tiny juice shop we once passed when we were going to Hero Kemang one day. A-ha! That was another great idea we made that day after the Zoo-date!
"Juice in Case" is located on the roadside of Kemang Timur nearby Hero Kemang. It was kinda hidden between those cafes, coffee shops and resto in Kemang area. Actually it's just like another warung-kaki-lima with plywood and all. But the owner succeed to decorate this tiny shop uniquely. They putted some hanging papers with cute writings about fruit an veggies. It easily attracts attentions of the passers-by. Well the name "Juice in Case" itself is soo unique yet catchy don't you think?
"Juice in Case" sells any kind of beverages such as milkshakes, yoghurt, mix fruits, tea and coffee. For foods they sell french fries, sandwich, instant noodle and udon. Despite it is one of a kind roadside-shops, the menus are all written in english. Anyway, I love the way they named their beverages differently like Milkyway for milkshakes. The price are quite affordable. 18k for milkshake and mix fruits, 19k for yoghurts, 10k for tea and coffee. I ordered mix strawberry and mango yoghurt while boyfie ordered ginger mint coffee. Mine was really tasty and fresssshh. Seriously, it's even better then yoghurt drink I've tasted in another big coffee shop. I didn't taste boyfie's coffee since I don't really like coffee but he said that it's good either..
While enjoying our yoghurt and coffee, there was abang-tukang-bakso passed by. Huaaaa I've been craving for Bakso since we were in the Zoo and suddenly this heavenly food showed up in front of us. Another universe-conspires, no? Then I asked the waiter if we can order any food outside, and he allowed us. Yippie yeayyy!
Alhamdulillaah we're full and happyyy! It's a recommended place! Will definitely go back here.. Oh, well if you interested to go here, you better be soon. Cause I had a little chit-chat with the friendly waiter and He said that it might be closed soon for some reason. Maybe it's because of the lack visitors considered that it's kinda hidden area.. Huuu.. Too bad :(
Anyway, my happiness of the day was completed by news from Mom and Dad saying that they're doing just fine there. Alhamdulillahh.. Dear God, thankyou for this full-of-happiness day :)
So here we go.. As we back from the Zoo, we planned to visit a new tiny coffee shop not far from my casa named "Ladang Coffee". Turns out it had not open yet. Krrr! So why the hell did you put your giant bored already, huh? Oh, and they told us to visit their branch shop at BSD. Ngehh? The main reason we came here was because it's nearby my house NOT because we're dying to taste your Coffee, Sir! Pffth.. Haha! Well since BSD is freakin far away and we didn't really curious to taste the so-called "Ladang Coffee", boyfie planned to look for another coffee shop that we haven't been visited. In the midst of our despair, we suddenly reminded by a tiny juice shop we once passed when we were going to Hero Kemang one day. A-ha! That was another great idea we made that day after the Zoo-date!
"Juice in Case" is located on the roadside of Kemang Timur nearby Hero Kemang. It was kinda hidden between those cafes, coffee shops and resto in Kemang area. Actually it's just like another warung-kaki-lima with plywood and all. But the owner succeed to decorate this tiny shop uniquely. They putted some hanging papers with cute writings about fruit an veggies. It easily attracts attentions of the passers-by. Well the name "Juice in Case" itself is soo unique yet catchy don't you think?
"Juice in Case" sells any kind of beverages such as milkshakes, yoghurt, mix fruits, tea and coffee. For foods they sell french fries, sandwich, instant noodle and udon. Despite it is one of a kind roadside-shops, the menus are all written in english. Anyway, I love the way they named their beverages differently like Milkyway for milkshakes. The price are quite affordable. 18k for milkshake and mix fruits, 19k for yoghurts, 10k for tea and coffee. I ordered mix strawberry and mango yoghurt while boyfie ordered ginger mint coffee. Mine was really tasty and fresssshh. Seriously, it's even better then yoghurt drink I've tasted in another big coffee shop. I didn't taste boyfie's coffee since I don't really like coffee but he said that it's good either..
While enjoying our yoghurt and coffee, there was abang-tukang-bakso passed by. Huaaaa I've been craving for Bakso since we were in the Zoo and suddenly this heavenly food showed up in front of us. Another universe-conspires, no? Then I asked the waiter if we can order any food outside, and he allowed us. Yippie yeayyy!
Alhamdulillaah we're full and happyyy! It's a recommended place! Will definitely go back here.. Oh, well if you interested to go here, you better be soon. Cause I had a little chit-chat with the friendly waiter and He said that it might be closed soon for some reason. Maybe it's because of the lack visitors considered that it's kinda hidden area.. Huuu.. Too bad :(
Anyway, my happiness of the day was completed by news from Mom and Dad saying that they're doing just fine there. Alhamdulillahh.. Dear God, thankyou for this full-of-happiness day :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
A day full of happiness #1: Zoo
It was a cloudy afternoon while Me and my Boyfie decided to visit our big family at the Ragunan Zoo. Hahah. It was truly spontaneous idea. I supposed to go to ruangrupa for a meeting, turns out it was cancelled. And instead of eating-sleeping-doing-nothing-increasing-belly-fat at home I asked my Boyfie to catch up today. Since none of us are having a steady job yet and considered that we've spent soo much time together lately, so we've reach the pathetic phase of life, BOKEK. Hahah. It was kinda hard to decide where-to-go with this limited budget we had. Then I came up with an idea "Why don't we go to the Zoo?" and boyfie liked the idea. Yippie yeay! So, Ragunan.. here we coomeee! :D
Fyi, my house is in Jagakarsa which is really nearby Ragunan. It just took about 5 mins to go there by car or motorcycle. But believe it or not, I haven't visited the zoo NOT even once since I lived here for approx 3 years. Hahah. I usually came to Ragunan just to take Transjakarta to go to my-used-to-be campus. Planned to get in there many times but it was never happened. And on this one random day, I'm finally here..
We arrived at the Zoo at 4ish. Yeah, I know it was a bit too late knowing that it will closed by 6. But since it was a totally spontaneous idea, so I thought 2 hours is enough.. Before we came to the locket, we saw the price list board and you know whatt? It's just cost 4.500 idr for one person? This is no joke, aite? Then I looked at my boyfie in the eyes and said "We made a good decision!". A-ha! The most surprisingly thing was when we came to the locket and we found no one there. Not even one.. All locket was closed but the gate was widely open. So we don't need to pay anything? Huaaaaaa.. It's even better! Woohoooo! You know the feeling when you're totally broke and suddenly the universe conspires? Hihih. Alhamdulillah :D
As we entered the zoo I planned to take some pics with Zebra and Deer for the fashion purpose. Silly eh? But I really love to see Zebra printed clothes and Deer shaped rings. Then Boyfie asked me, "so don't you want to see Leopard either?" Hahah. You know me so well dehh! Luckily I found a cute little deer but sadly I couldn't found the Zebra. So, I took some picts with it's statue instead :p
Shit happened in the middle of our journey. My shoe soles was broken. FUUUUU. My Sister has remain me that it's kinda fragile. I was supposed to listen to her :(
We also planned to see Leopard and White Tiger.. but unfortunately on our way there, we met the Zookeeper who said that most of the wild animals had been putted in the cage for the safety sake. Huhu too bad :( So, we decided to leave the Zoo since we've seen all the not-so-wild animals that left. But we planned to go back there a bit earlier at another time. Hopefully, soon!
Although we just spent a little time there but we had soo much fun. We proved that we don't always need to spend much for dating. Bored with movie date or dinner date at the Mall? This could be an alternative date for you and your boo! Till we meet again, animals! We'll catch you back soon (hopefully)!
Fyi, my house is in Jagakarsa which is really nearby Ragunan. It just took about 5 mins to go there by car or motorcycle. But believe it or not, I haven't visited the zoo NOT even once since I lived here for approx 3 years. Hahah. I usually came to Ragunan just to take Transjakarta to go to my-used-to-be campus. Planned to get in there many times but it was never happened. And on this one random day, I'm finally here..
We arrived at the Zoo at 4ish. Yeah, I know it was a bit too late knowing that it will closed by 6. But since it was a totally spontaneous idea, so I thought 2 hours is enough.. Before we came to the locket, we saw the price list board and you know whatt? It's just cost 4.500 idr for one person? This is no joke, aite? Then I looked at my boyfie in the eyes and said "We made a good decision!". A-ha! The most surprisingly thing was when we came to the locket and we found no one there. Not even one.. All locket was closed but the gate was widely open. So we don't need to pay anything? Huaaaaaa.. It's even better! Woohoooo! You know the feeling when you're totally broke and suddenly the universe conspires? Hihih. Alhamdulillah :D
Affordable, isn't it? |
Could you found something weird in this pic? Please welcome new animal in the zoo, Blok M! :)) |
Cute Little Deer |
Imply Mama as Ilama! #TheSimsSocial |
The Oh-so-famous-Komodo |
The broken shoes :( |
Although we just spent a little time there but we had soo much fun. We proved that we don't always need to spend much for dating. Bored with movie date or dinner date at the Mall? This could be an alternative date for you and your boo! Till we meet again, animals! We'll catch you back soon (hopefully)!
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